The Way You Choose Color for 

Your Clothing Line

Being a private label clothing manufacturer and exporter, Billoomi Fashion deals with several fashion designers and clothing label owners. We have closely observed that since years Pantone has been undisputed leader in color guide for most of our clients. The moment it comes to choose color for a clothing line Billoomi Fashion effectively meet the desired color chosen by its clients., be it children clothing or kids clothing, women wear / women clothing, men's wear multi color t-shirt manufacturing; it requires only one reference - Pantone Color Code. Rest Billoomi Fashion efficiently matches the color asked for through dyeing process. Pantone has greatly recognized as color standard company and garment industry has been one of the biggest customers so far. 

The History of Pantone

Founded in the 1950s, Pantone originally manufactured color cards for cosmetic companies. Lawrence Herbert, a young chemist, saw that the company’s process could solve a more widespread problem: the lack of color standardization. There was no language for communicating about and reproducing colors. There was no consistency, which caused a large amount of rework and reprinting in the graphics industry.
Consider this: Would National Geographic’s iconic yellow border have become so memorable if February’s edition looked more chartreuse while April’s border was tinted a shade of mustard?
Seeing the opportunity, Herbert bought the company in 1962 and forwent medical school to focus on creating a color system now known as the Pantone Matching System (PMS), which began as 10 standardized colors and today consists of more than 10,000.
These colors chips, printed in the recognizable fan book format, give designers and printers the tools to communicate about something color -- something most people perceive differently. Pantone created a common language whereby designers, artists, printers, and clients could definitively choose Pantone 212 C, not 213 C or 205 C, and then printers would know how much of 14 different pigments they should add to create that exact color. 
But the brand didn't stop at creating new combinations of yellow, blue, purple, red, etc. Pantone recently created color standards for the fashion and interiors industry, has a consultancy practice whereby its works with brands, produces color trend forecasting guides, and has launched itself as a lifestyle brand -- owning a Pantone-inspired product is just another way for a person to show her appreciation of good design.

How Pantone Branded Color

Pantone's emergence as the most well-known color standards company -- and yes, there are competitors -- is partly due to its longevity in the industry. But it's also because of the brand's smart marketing plays that Pantone has come to be about more than the science of creating and matching colors. The brand employs color psychologists and color economists who explain the feelings the colors should evoke, not just their chemical makeup.

Leatrice Eiseman, the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, gave a statement to the New York Times in 2007 on that year's selection: “Blue Iris brings together the dependable aspects of blue, underscored by a strong, soul-searching purple cast. Emotionally, it is anchoring and meditative with a touch of magic.”
This year's selection was released with this statement: "As consumers seek mindfulness and well-being as an antidote to modern day stresses, welcoming colors that psychologically fulfill our yearning for reassurance and security are becoming more prominent. Joined together, Rose Quartz and Serenity demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace."
It continues: "In many parts of the world we are experiencing a gender blur as it relates to fashion, which has in turn impacted color trends throughout all other areas of design."
This yearly marketing event is not just about the company showing off its ability to forecast trends in color selection, but also about its ability to understand how societal changes are influencing our visual preferences. While this may seem like a leap, it has played well with the media and partners such as photo-editing app Aviary, which release Rose Quartz- and Serenity-colored filters when the selection was announced. 
But beyond this yearly event, Pantone has found unique and memorable ways to solidify its relationship with designers and garner the adoration of those outside of its target market with licensing deals and quirky products. Here are 10 other interesting examples of marketing from the master of color:
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